
Ambrose Alli University Online Course

These short online certificate courses can be taken at any convenient time within 60 days access period. Enrolment is within 24 hours after payment.

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Create A Website From Scratch

If you’ve never built a website before and you have no coding or design experience, this is the place to start.

This course will demonstrate how to create a website from scratch.  Start with a blank page, and HTML and structure it in preparation for applying styling.  Add CSS to make your HTML come to life, customize the styling to build out multiple websites. We start with basic HTML and CSS syntax. Next, we learn how to build custom web pages with an image gallery and contact page. Its full of tips for better web development, and includes the process of web creation.


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Ambrose Alli University

KM 70 Benin Auchi Road
P. M. B 14, Ekpoma
Edo State, Nigeria
E-mail: qal@aauekpoma.edu.ng
Tel: +234 808 033 4886

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